Trashy by Mizou

Project Trashy is an NGO project about making electronic trash into art.

The project was first founded by Mizou when the artist worked as a designer for Uber as an initial employee in San Francisco where she was strongly inspired by the local geeky vibes. She founded her own AI startup with her friend from Google AI after she left Uber. Later,Mizou put her full time into NGO.

Electronic trash is quite different from
other kinds of waste. Most of the E-waste was decomposed and put into production again - the Downcycle way, but the process took quite an amount of energy according to physics law. 

What she is doing is the Upcycle way: the wastes she collected were mostly personal belongings people still kept for the memories inside them. Some e-waste still worked well but they were bypassed by the rapid pace of technology waves. She wants to revoke the unspoken and the forgotten part of the electronic trash through her work and show special solicitude for the environmental protection.

The project is open-sourced: most of the work are co-created by people in an art workshop curated and hosted by Mizou. Students, programmers, rocket engineers, people who work in the electronic industry and etc. They brought their own unique e-waste and make them into art without boundaries set by gurus.

Mizou would rather see herself as a concept artist who can inspire people to create and think.

Project Trashy 是把电子垃圾变成艺术品的非盈利艺术项目,由艺术家米走创建。

米走在Uber工作时,被硅谷浓烈的技术气氛所感染,于是一步一步开始了自己的创作。之后,米走和Google AI的朋友一起成立了自己的 AI公司,之后,米走开始全职投入 NGO 的项目。

电子垃圾和其他类型的垃圾不同,大多电子垃圾都被分解然后重新投入生产 - 传统的向下循环的方法,而这个过程会产生大量的金属污染、塑料污染进入到整个生态循环系统里。而高速的科技消费品发展正加速着这样局面。




